Our mission is to give people a fresh start by making repaying debts easier and more compliant

Our values.

  • Consumer first.

    Aktos builds for the enterprise, but solves for the consumer. The best way to solve the pain points for consumers is to start with the origin of the problem. By empowering agencies, we make it easier for consumers to interact with agents in a more efficient and compliant way. Every product and business decision Aktos makes will first be put to the litmus test of “does this benefit the consumer?”

  • Compliance, compliance, compliance.

    Debt collection is a heavily regulated space, and Aktos is prioritizing compliance first for the sake of the consumer, collection agency, and the creditor. We follow the mantra of “compliance as code” so a user of our platform will not be able to violate CFPB, FCRA, or FDCPA regulations. In doing so, we are helping the industry evolve beyond its image and heralding a new era of compliant collections.

  • Build trust.

    Trust is at the heart of our business. The best collectors build mutual trust with consumers, and give them the benefit of the doubt. More often than not, this trust is reciprocated and repaid. Likewise, Aktos operates with a culture of trust— not only with our clients, but also with consumers.

  • Honesty and transparency.

    Aktos has always been, and will continue to be, completely honest with our clients, their creditors, and consumers. By building an ecosystem of honesty and transparency, we not only make a positive impact on the ARM industry and the world, but also facilitate positive business outcomes.